The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Monday, July 16, 2007

We're not "shaken" up

Thank you all for your thoughts of concern and prayers! The earthquakes were both in Niigita, which is on the west coast, north of Tokyo. Some in Nagoya said they felt it, but I didn't feel a thing. We aren't too worried about them. It can get a little creepy thinking about them when you're on the subway, but usually I am way too busy to think about much, except keeping up with the girls.

We met another couple, Wayne and Debbie, on Sunday. They live in an apartment. It is much more traditional Japanese decor - very beautiful. So we now know Todd and Sue and Wayne and Debbie. Both couples have been so sweet and taken us under their wings. It's nice to have fellow Fort Worthians to visit with and show us the ropes.

We went to Meijo Koen (koen means park) yesterday. It was very hot, so the girls were all red-faced. That concerned everyone but me :) They got to play ball and run around a bit, which they needed badly. They had been pretty confined from the rain off the typhoon. We met a man walking a little foofy dog. It was black and white, so it reminded them of Bandit. He was so nice and gave each of them a treat to give it. The people, for the most part, are so kind. I have had some wonderful conversations, even though we don't speak much of each other's language. Corny as it is, smiles are universal. We occasionally have run-ins with some cranky elderly people, but it's actually quite amusing.

Often for lunch, we get ramen noodles and fruit from the 99 yen store. I have found diet coke a few places, and it's pretty easy to identify fruit juice and yogurt for the girls. We eat our ramen with our Hello Kitty chopsticks. The only problem is we don't always know what flavor we're getting. The girls have been great about trying new things. Sophie was eating little fish slices (looked like tiny pieces of pink bubble gum) and shrimps from the ramen. She was doing great picking them up with her chopsticks.

Mom is sending us our first care package. Bless her heart, she said it cost Daddy about $80 to ship things. We are looking forward to getting the Aquaphor for Gracie! Sam found some Japanese antibiotic ointment, and it seems to be working pretty well. I tried to ask for some and got home with some menthol smelling stuff - I still need to ask the front desk what it is - LOL :) I found some Neutrogena Hand Cream, which has an Aquaphor-type base. It's quite pricey, but is keeping the moisture in her hands and feet somewhat. I thought we were going to have to go to the doctor on Monday, but her flare-up seems to be calming down. So, thanks Mom and Dad for the goodies!!!!

Sam brought us some gorgeous lilies last night. The staff brought up two vases for me to choose from - as I said, the customer service is tops! The girls loved them, and they smell heavenly. Then he took us to a Brazilian Churrascaria. It wasn't as good as Texas De Brazil, but we all got our meat fix. The owner is Brazilian/Italian. I asked if he was married (thinking lucky woman eats good), and he said his wife lives in Milan. He was very intrigued with the girls, and we later found out that he too has a 4 year-old little girl. He showed us a picture - she was gorgeous. The waitress was Brazilian. Her parents moved here several years ago and work in the factories. She is going to school to be a pastry chef. Sam is so good about striking up conversations with everyone he meets :) All that to show you how amazing the cultural diversity is here. It just makes us feel so blessed to get to experience it, and be able to offer it to our girls. On the way out of the restaurant, a man from a group eating there, gave one of the girls a rose - so sweet.

On the way home yesterday, a group of young women stopped us on the street - I mean they weren't going to let us by :) They had their hands all over the girls wanting to know all about them. They said they didn't speak English, but they did pretty well. Japanese women, in my opinion, are some of the most stunning, beautiful women! Of course, they think Americans are :) I swear some of them could wear the girls clothes, but our friend Sue said there is a huge problem with anorexia here. They really are a tiny society though.

Hopefully, we will be in our house in 2-3 weeks. We were hoping next week, because Sam is off for the week (MHI holiday) (MHI=Mitsubishi Heavy Industries- I think). Anyway, we'll see. Our shipment should get here by mid August, but again, I'm hoping it will be sooner.

I guess that's about it. I will work posting some more pics on here or I guess I need to post a link to it on here.

Love and Hugs to you all!


Granny said...

Sounds great fun!!! I'm glad you have made some American friends already, but not surprised. Sam is really good at finding good friends right away as you are too. You will adjust wonderfully especially when you get your home. Let me know about the mail. Sam has recieved several things from Lockheed. Two handbooks on services. You recieved an invitation to work part time and to attend a workshop in Dallas. I went ahead and tossed them. I paid the water bill but haven't recieved your electric. It is quiet a long ride back. It sounds like you are all having a great time. Dad has his hands full with two girls to spoil. We are staying home for a few days so I can get his computer hooked up and we both need to rest for a bit. Dad says the girls are just the right age to pick up the language. Most of the Japanese are fantastic people. I hope you get to make one or two special friends like I had in Ti and Udiko. There were many others that made our stay over there so enjoyable. You will pick up the language fast too. Beauty is more than skin deep and the women I knew were even more beautifull inside. As you are. I'm so glad that you all have this opportunity to visit such an interesting and exciting place. I keep remembering the day you were driving somewhere and told my you would love to live in a place like New York. Keep exploring you will find all those special little shops that make it sooo fun. Lol Mom

Granny said...

Shale we would find Salmon rice balls at some of the little shops in Kadena. They were really yummy. Ask the hotel staff some of the mamasons made lunches in little plastic boxes that were cheap and really good. We also found a small diner that made the best shrimp fried rice you ever tasted. It finally stopped raining here so the creek is about normal now. It is so pretty out there now we can see more of it. I'm going to take my coffee and morning muffin to the patio. I see too much I need to be doing in here. Keep checking out those little places they are the true treasures. Although the big department stores are also fun and you never know what will be on special. If you need anything for the girls let us know and we send it to you. Love and miss you.

Granny said...

Oh yes they should have some book and toy stores and some art stores. You can get water colors in little tubes. And brushes and paper fairly cheap. You squess just a small amount of each color onto a saucer then dip your brush in water and just touch the tip of you brush in the paint and the water will thin the paint and it will load into the brush then it is ready to paint with. It could be great fun for the girls.

Texas Wardens said...


We are so excited for you and your family. How long will you be there? Will the girls start school there?

Have a great week!

Lorrie Mangano said...

Hey it is great to hear from you. I still can not believe you are in Japan. What a great,exciting experience for the girls and ya'll! I miss ya'll already though, but this will make it ok. Talk to you later
Love ya bunches,