The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sam felt his first tremor

Sam came down the stairs and quietly asked me if I "felt it" tonight. I had two girls snuggling (wiggling) on me, so I wouldn't really know - LOL :) Anyway, he looked it up, and Fukui had a small earthquake, which is probably what he felt. I think God understands that I really have no desire to feel an earthquake or experience a typhoon.

Love to you all!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Our triplets' twins

Our dear friends' triplet girls, from Cost, Texas, started school this week, also. Check out Olivia, Caroline, and Sara on the front page of their local paper. Nanette said it would change Tuesday, so hopefully, you'll be able to see it. If you will notice, each of the girls bears a strong resemblance to each one of our girls :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A comment from Finbar

Finbar left a comment on our last post. I know some of you may not check those, so I wanted to make sure you got to read what he wrote. I'm very impressed with everything he and Christine (the other kindie teacher) are doing! The girls come home everyday excited and giddy about school. I have to say they LOVE the bus, too :) In just a week, I've already seen positive changes and growth in the girls. And, yes, I know that I need to post first day/week stories and photos. I promise I'll get there.
Here's what he wrote:

Hi from Finbar! (Mr. Burke) :-)

Thanks so much for providing the link here in your correspondence with me--this is a great family blog, especially the photos.

Your girls have gotten off to a great start--so great, in fact, that they have substantially eased my own efforts this year to have all the children become comfortable--in a matter of days! They are all very sociable and have already made several friends. And so talkative! I've already heard many things about Vanilla, including the shark story. Izzy, too, has settled in quite well.

We actually have 14 children in our classroom! And YES it is fantastic to have a teaching assistant with so few children; I don't know what I would do without her!

The name thing (Finbar) may be nontraditional, but so are most aspects of our program, which is influenced by the early childhood programs of Reggio Emilia, Italy. This is my background, so I'm excited to talk about it at Open House soon. Basically speaking, we (teachers) rely upon the children's own interests and questions to build integrated units of learning. We also stress communicating thoughts and understanding in numerous ways (not depending so much on the "3 R's", but through dramatic expression, song, visual arts, movement, etc.: helping children express themselves more capably than can be limited by their present limits linguistically and in terms of reading/writing). That said, the school as a whole is also heavily focused on literacy development from Pre-K.

So far, the triplets seem to have found themselves in a very comfortable space and atmosphere :-), and I hope it will help them continue to blossom! I'll check your blog now and again (but please don't let this stymie your communications with family and friends in *any* way--I'm pretty fine with doubts/worries/criticisms (I deal with it every year as a male early childhood teacher!). I like to stay informed of doings at home (I'm very keen on the home-school connection for children). Again, let me express great admiration for what you parents are accomplishing with these girls (triplets, Japan(!)). And thank you, again, for offering to be strongly involved with us!

:-) Finbar Burke

Monday, August 25, 2008

We met our teacher today!

Today, we met our teacher, who we are to call, Finbar. I had prepared the girls for "Mr. Burke," and they had even practiced writing it. I told him it would be hard for me to get used to referring to him by his first name. The girls did great - it's Mom who is having all the behavior problems. I can't begin to tell you how much fun Sam is having with me right now. Don't tell him, but it's good that he's able to help me lighten up a little.

I was laughing at myself because there were not enough lines on the questionnaire for me to write the answers. Sam teased me about Finbar asking if the girls had any illnesses, and I started with my details of the pregnancy and birth. I put out all their supplies on the table, labeled them with each girls' name, and took a picture.

There are 13 students in the girls' class. There is a set of triplets (us) and a set of identical twin girls! So, five of the seven girls in the class, are multiples! There are several other sets of twins in the school - pretty cool! I'm pretty sure the other kindergarten teacher told us there are 7 nationalities represented among the 26 kindergarteners.

The girls' teacher is from New York, but has lived in Japan for several years. There is also an assistant in the class named Mamako. It's just really nice knowing the girls are going to start off school in a class of 13, and there is an assistant!

Granny Glenn sent us two wonderful books, that I had been wanting, 'The Night Before Kindergarten,' and 'The First Day Jitters." Thanks Granny for the books and movies and treats! I read them to the girls tonight. They are not really nervous at all (Izzy may be just a little). She wanted to stay very close to me today (CLING).

I'm going to take them to school in the morning, but they will ride the bus home. I wish I could tell you what I'm feeling right now, but I'm such a ball of anxiety, sadness, happiness, excitement, blah, blah, blah :)

Pictures to come :)

I've got to go fix three very special lunches. The girls wanted Chiyomi-style sandwiches (I'll have to explain that one later), yogurt, apple slices, and juice. I'm also going to add a little love note for each of them :(

Have a great week!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wind and Snow!

After years of wishing for NO WIND and WARM WEATHER, Sam is a changed man! Now, he checks the wind website, and today, we went and bought Gracie a snowboard, in anticipation for the snow-ski season - LOL :) I'm so glad he has found things he can do here. I know he misses wakeboarding and skiing.

I have to fill out a questionnaire for the girls teacher, Mr. Burke, telling about their strengths and weaknesses and all the other things a school and teacher need to know. Oh my Gosh, did I mention that my BABIES are going to kindergarten in a week!!! I am feeling so many feelings right now. I'm worried, happy, scared, excited.....(sip of wine - it's 8:00 p.m. here). I want everything to be perfect for them. I want them to feel special and unique, but also know how special being a triplet is. One of my favorite quotes, from 'Hope Floats,' is: " what you spend the REST of your life trying to overcome."

Sophie wrote the alphabet on her magna doodle today. She is so amazingly smart. She can really frustrate us at times, but I think it's because she's smarter than us :) When I look at pictures and remember all she went through the first week and a half, I'm so thankful to God for my stubborn, obstinate, and very sweet and funny girl! Last week, she told us she had a nightmare that pirates captured her and cut off her hands......WHAT?? Where did that come from? She is already writing her name all swirly and cutesie. She is going to be very artistic, and learning will come easily for her. She also had a horse named 'Vanilla,' that she talks about often. Unfortunately, according to Sophie, Vanilla passed away. Depending on the day, Vanilla's demise changes (one day she told me how 'vanilla" was attacked by a shark). She clearly has an interest in death, but I remember Izzy went through a period of interest/concern in death. She often tells me about things she did with Vanilla (who was a paint horse by the way). I've heard of imaginary friends, but does anyone know about deceased imaginary friends? I need to sit her down and have her dictate a story about Vanilla - it would be quite entertaining I'm sure. I wonder how many triplet children develop imaginary pets :)

Izzy....Izzy, Izzy, Izzy.....she's my baby girl! I've been told she is a lot like me, especially by Sam. As she develops, I see she is a lot like me. She is a sucker for any animal, or life-form. She is compassionate, worrisome, obsessive, and loving. She loves all life, she wants to please, but she also can only be pushed so far. She is such a momma's girl, and I love it! I remember when we brought her home from the hospital, she wanted only Sam. Being the awesome father, he stayed with her and Sophie at the hospital, while I took care of Gracie at home. I went to see them, but they saw a lot more of him. I remember worrying about how exhausted he was, as he spent every moment possible at the NICU with Sophie and Izzy. I remember crying that she didn't know I was her momma (I was probably a little hormonal). Well, we've made up for it. She did go out with Daddy yesterday without saying good-bye or I love you to me :( They are all just crazy about their daddy! I'm pretty crazy about him, too. Honestly, I can't imagine living in a house with 4 males. He handles being the only man surrounded by 4 women very well - God knew what he was doing (Sam does deserve it, too).

Gracie gets more and more independent by the day. She is SO much like her daddy. I asked them yesterday if they wanted me to drive them to school the first day, or let them ride the bus. I, of course, knew my babies would want me by their side as they began one of the most important journies of their life. Gracie quickly let the wind out of my sail by telling me she would prefer to take the bus. After trying to get her to change her mind, I finally told her that I needed to be there for their first day, and could she please just give me this one without a battle- sheeesh! She hates to be sent to her room, so at least I still have a little control :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Gracie Update

Gracie woke up and remained rash-free all day - woo hoo! We did not go to the doctor. Sam and I talked and decided that, unless they are running a temp or feeling really bad, we will keep them away from the doctor's office for a few days. They all seemed to feel well today, and we didn't go anywhere or do anything, except clean up the house :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Gracie's Turn

Sam was so sweet and let me sleep until about 9:30. Every now and then I would hear him running interference ("let Mommy sleep"). When I got up, I noticed Gracie's face was bright red, but I figured she had been running. She overheats easily, and turns bright red. After about 5 minutes, we decided it was not heat, but a rash. I gave her Benadryl all day, but it did nothing for it. At about 8:00, I called our dear friend Debbie, who is a nurse. It always makes ME feel better after talking to her :) Anyway, it finally hit me a little while later that it could be Fifth's Disease, since the Benadryl wasn't taking care of it like an allergy, and the rash was only on her face (mainly cheek area). I cancelled my Monday get-together with Keiko and Chiyomi, so I could take Gracie to the doctor today. She slept in until about 9:00, but got up rash-free. Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm officially griping and whining - I'm so sick of my babies being sick :)

I guess I should admit that I took a long nap Saturday, too. So, my house is a mess and my babies are sick - sounds like the beginning a blue's song.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Update on Sophie

I took Sophie back to the doctor today. She still has white patches on her tonsils, and they are still swollen.

Dr. Sasake said that on a scale of 0-3, her tonsils are a 2, as far as swelling. However, the white patches are not infected. So, basically, she has tonsillitis, STILL, but isn't "sick." If she progresses to a '3,' which means the tonsils are actually touching one another, and/or she has apnea problems, then we will need to be take some action.

The good news is that she doesn't complain of her throat hurting, and she is eating pretty well.

I talked to Sam tonight, and I think if it gets to that point (a 3 or apnea), the girls and I will be making a trip back to the States to see our pedi and an ENT.

She has always been one to snore, but I had Dr. Brennan check her before we came to Japan. She said her adenoids and tonsils were OK.

So, only time will tell....

As much as a trip home would be nice, I don't want it to be for this reason.

Review of Camp Rock

Yes, Aunt Cindy, it was, 6 thumbs up!!!

It would have been 8, but Sophie fell asleep about half way through :)

Mom's opinion, which is the one that counts, is that it was a great movie for little girls and pre-teens. There was not even a kissing scene, no bad language - all the things a mom looks for in a movie :) It had the "mean girl," but she actually owned up to her bad choices! There was chemistry between the lead guy and girl, but it was sweet and innocent.

I'm new to this whole world outside of Dora, but I have to say I liked that Disney kept this innocent, and kept the focus on being yourself and where you come from - not following the crowd.

Aichi Bokujo

Aichi Bokujo is a working farm in Nagoya. They produce their own milk, make butter, scrumptious ice cream, and other things.

When I found out Nagoya had a farm that we could visit, I was thrilled! The girls and I love animals and miss driving down the road looking at cows, horses, and other Texas critters.They have quite a few milking cows and lots of calves. The calves are very friendly, and the girls got to pet several. They have a pony ride area, and both times we have gone, the girls have ridden Frankie. Frankie is a pony. They have a beautiful, white horse, but Frankie is our speed :)

They give professional riding lessons, and have several horses boarded on the farm. I think our favorite part was the petting area. They have VERY FRIENDLY ducks and bunnies. Deer and peacocks that are carefully guarded by a white rooster. A sweet and gentle donkey always begging to be fed. Sheep and adorable lambs, who are quite photogenic. Greedy, greedy goats (keep your hands and feet in at all times).

And adorable, yet stinky, pigs.

Camp Rock!!!

Well, another sign that we're big girls....Disney has been showing previews for "Camp Rock" for at least a month now. I promised that on August 1st, the girls could stay up past their 8:00 bedtime and watch it. We bought special treats to eat and pop!!! They don't get pop very often, especially at bedtime. Things are very exciting right now!!! They are really only interested in the music, but still, tonight is BIG I tell you :)

Sophie and Gracie's Photo Shoot

The girls wanted to do the modeling for the Mode Gakuen. It was a wonderful opportunity, in that I talked to them about making a commitment to someone or something, and the importance of following through.

Gracie didn't like the time it took for the assignments, but she stuck with it. She did the practice session, but the photo shoot took most of the day (about 6 hours), which is way too long for a 5 year-old. She decided she didn't want to do it anymore, which was OK with me. The students at the school emailed me that they needed to redo the shoot, so I told them Sophie would do it instead. They were much faster this time, and Sophie loved everyone doting over her. She really did a great job!