The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Friday, July 20, 2007

We ate eel tonight!

Don't think we're brave - we didn't know it was eel until the end of the meal when they gave us their little flyer. I'm all smiles, and open it up to this pile of snake-looking creatures. I shrieked, and the man next to me laughed and said, "You eat!" I have to say that it was pretty good, and Gracie ate quite a bit, until she fell out of the chair. Poor thing busted her mouth and nose, but ate more eel. Miss Ito was so proud of us! And, we used chopsticks! I had wanted to go to this restaurant because it smelled like barbecue - such a wonderful smell. Oh well, when in Japan, eat eel :) I'll scan in the picture when I get my other computer and scanner hooked up.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures! The girls are so precious!!! So how did Gracie fall out of her chair? Was it because she found out what she was eating or she just fell? lol
-Courtney :)

Mrs. Glenn said...

Bless her heart, she just fell out of her chair. She seemed OK with eating eel. Of course, Sam and I are like, "Cool! You ate EEL!" Let's just say Sam and I are feeling a little queesy tonight - and yet we still keep talking about it. I am surprised Sam didn't pass out - LOL :)

Granny said...

I LOVE IT!! Sam has always been a picking eater. I can't wait till Dad comes back to read it to him. Bandit convinced him they needed another romp through the neighborhood. He carried his umbrella earlier and it was a good thing. We liked a soup they would serve in Okinawa but no one would ever tell us what it was. They would just say it was an Okinawan traditional soup. Love Mom

Granny said...

Dad loved it!! Give Gracie a big hug. She is soo much like her father. He could never sit still either. You know that protien is good for them all. I think they pulled a few tricks like that on Dad when he was in Masawa. Should I send a bottle of Tums or Rolaids?? Haha. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I think just LOOKING at that menu would make me throw up. Hope that didn't come with a visual! lol

I still want to see the square watermelon! I was telling someone about that today.

I love all the pictures!!! It's ashame it takes you moving to the other side of the world for us to finally be able to talk so much! lol I wish we could all meet for lunch... (not at the eel place!)
Love you!

segseven said...

Hi Shale
I never cared for eel, but Steven always love to eat seafood and the eel was always his favorite. It must have really been good if Gracie was wanting to eat more after such an accident. That had to have hurt.
I'm enjoying the pictures, the girls are so sweet and so grown up now. They will learn so much in their time there and what a wonderful education for them, and you and Sam too of course.
Our love to you,
Josh and Susie