The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Friday, February 20, 2009

My Spiritual Child

I want to first of all ask that you all keep Malorrie in your prayers right now. She is in the process of receiving new bone marrow from her brother, Jordan. Right now, she is really sick from all the chemo and radiation. Please, please, please keep her and her family in your prayers.

I picked up the girls from school yesterday, and Finbar told me that they had led a heart-felt discussion with the class about Malorrie and cancer. He said they were very knowledgeable about the cancer and medications. I was really proud of them.

Sophie is becoming such a spiritual child. She wants me to read prayer books to her, and she really wants to take part in our bedtime prayers. After saying her meal blessings, she always adds on something. She told me the other night that she knew Jesus was in her heart because she could feel it beating :) She cried the other night when we were praying for Malorrie :( I'm proud that she is learning to find comfort in God.

We love all! God bless!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our earthquake adventure

This morning, Gracie and Izzy were in our bedroom getting their hair done for school. I noticed the dresser was shaking and rattling and the bed was shaking. I was going to gripe at the girls for "bouncing," but they were being still. I looked over at Sam to tell him to quit shaking everything, and his legs were still....about then it hit Sam and me. He said, "earthquake," but very quietly and calmly. Izzy still heard him. About that time, Sophie yells from her bedroom, "Mommy, why is my bed shaking?" Izzy looked very scared, so I told Sophie to come to me, and we told Izzy it was OK. By the time Sophie got to my room, she had realized what had happened. Then we were all excited over experiencing our first "shake-the-house" earthquake :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our Hina Doll Set

Yesterday, Toshiko, one of my English conversation students, brought a set of Hina dolls as a gift for the girls. She and the other ladies set it up for us. I am absolutely amazed at how beautiful it is. The girls were beyond amazed by it. Take a look and thanks again to Toshiko!