The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Exceptional Customer Service!

Mr. Sakabe, the president of Tomei Homes, came by today to make sure we weren't having any problems with the house. When we moved in, he brought a gorgeous plant and a gift for each girl. Today, he showed up with an adorable Christmas basket, and three, cute Santa bags for each of the girls. He gave me his business card, which has our house on the back - how cool is it that they used our house for their business cards?!! Since we moved in, several of Tomei Homes' representatives have come by, bearing gifts, to make sure we were happy with our home. It's really nice how the Japanese value their customers :)

On another exciting note, Sam and I started Japanese lessons tonight. We take them every Thursday, from 7:00-8:30. Our teacher, Keiko-san, comes very highly recommended. Sam is teasing me because I'm just giddy, but it was so nice to sit and LEARN. The girls were really great about not interrupting. I'm looking forward to taking Keiko-san to the grocery store for a lesson, or several. We also want to go to some restaurants and have her help us with the menu and ordering. Sam reminded me that next week, we can have her tell us what our alarm "voice" is saying when we activate and deactivate it :)

We were also excited to get a quick visit from our friend, Ai! She came by to give the girls their Christmas gifts - they LOVED them! We're hoping she will be able to come for Christmas Eve dinner.

I will have to post pictures of our Christmas tree. We let the girls decorate......I'm dying to "fix" it, but I have to say there is something about it that just gives me warm fuzzies :) They were so proud!

Oyasuminasai (good night)!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Our first Thanksgiving in Japan

On Thursday, Sam and I drove to Osaka to go to Costco. Our friend, Kim, watched the girls. The mountains were beautiful and a few even had snow on them! We saw a couple of rainbows on the way back. We had a great time just talking and shopping, without interruptions :)

All of the LMTASIC families met at Todd and Sue's house on Saturday. The guys didn't have Thursday off, so we waited until Saturday to celebrate. We had the most scrumptious pot-luck dinner. One of our friends, Debbie, "smuggled" a turkey and ham back from the States. We were all very impressed and very appreciative.

We also had a white elephant gift exchange. It was so much fun, and the girls sat there and watched the entire time. Sue had already gotten each of the girls a present, but they were very into the unwrapping and stealing of the presents. I ended up stealing a sleigh with stuffed reindeer in it. Gracie guarded it and gave anyone showing an interest in it "the look." Of course, Mr. Wayne, who is like a grandpa to them, teased her all night that he was going to take it. She finally "bribed" him with a cookie, so he wouldn't. She was quite proud of the fact that she protected my "stuff," but she has since decided the sleigh is hers.

We had the best time, and got to meet our Japanese teacher. We start lessons on Thursday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

We got "Elfed" - Check it out!

My dear friend Cindy did this for us. I actually got to SEE and TALK to her today!!! She has a webcam, so we got to see her, her fish, and precious kitty, Gracie! We will be getting one soon - I've already got Sam on it :) We could see and hear her, but she could only read my replies. It was so wonderful (and very reasonable, Honey)!

Hope you enjoy :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Crows in Japan

Hopefully, this will work. It is a BBC video showing just how smart these crows are :)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Christmas in Sakae

Sam, being the most wonderful father and husband, took the girls to the aquarium today, so I could do some shopping. Actually, I think he wanted me to clean the house, but there is just no point on the weekends. Monday, it will be shiny and clean. I was trying to decide where I wanted to go. Sam talked about meeting in Sakae on their way back from the aquarium (they took the subway). Suddenly, the light bulb went off - I could walk to the subway, without three hooligans, and go shopping in Sakae, without three little hooligans!!!! I had so much fun, and it really lifted my spirits seeing the stores decorated for Christmas. I went to the Disney store and found ornaments (not really ornaments, but I can fix that). I actually managed to find 3 My Little Ponies! I also found an advent calendar, a few more ornaments, and some tinsel for the tree at the 100 yen store. Fortunately, Sam brought some lights, because you wouldn't believe what they charge for lights here!

The stores here are set up a little different. I went to Mitsukoshi, Matsuzakaya, Skylie, and Tokyu Hands. All of them have about 10 floors, including the basement. Each floor has different departments.

There were several bands playing in the park. I sat and ate a cheeseburger from the 100 yen menu at McDonald's, and listened to the Japanese version of Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer. Sam and I are really impressed with how awesome the bands are here. I didn't see the "Dancing Elvises" today. I've got to get video of that for you all.

Sakae has their Christmas lights throughout the park, so we are planning on going back in the evening to see them. It's supposed to be really pretty.

We met up at the Tokyu to say "hi" to our friends, and then walked to the subway. The subway stop near our house is Issha Station. Typically, we catch a cab back to the house, but it was so nice outside, we decided to make the girls walk(maybe they will be tired tonight). We stopped and played at a park on the walk home. The girls, but especially Sophie, took to tree climbing today. Sam and I looked up, and Sophie was WAY higher than we wanted her to be. Sam lit the fireplace when we got home, and we are all chillin'.

Thank God, Domino's delivers! We usually order a large, spicy deluxe, and a large pepperoni and Italian sausage. After our coupon, it's 4,692 yen. Tipping is not customary, but we always tip our pizza guy about 500 yen. They are always so excited about it, which makes us feel really good, too. To make it easier on us, we think of the 4,692 yen as $46.92, and 500 yen as $5.00. So the 99 and 100 yen stores are like America's 99 cent and 1.00 stores.

Sam and the girls got to meet "Cody" from Surf's Up at the aquarium! They were really excited about it. I'll post the picture. Surf's Up is the last picture we saw before coming to Japan, and it will be showing in theatres here on Dec. 15th. Sam said they were asking questions, which of course were in Japanese, but Sophie still kept raising her hand :) We were talking about how we would love to be a fly on the wall the first day of kindergarten!! We're also taking bets on whether the girls' teacher will come back after the first day. They really are good girls - just a little overwhelming at times.

Love you all!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Just a quick note - I'm sending emails, but people aren't getting them most of the time. Sam changed my yahoo page, so we're hoping that will fix it. So, please don't think I'm not responding. I probably did, but it didn't go through :(

Recycling in Japan

Tuesdays are "Recycling Day." So, Monday night I have to sort, what I haven't sorted already, our trash into the proper bags. Here's how it all works:

Bag with red "lettering" is for burnables. Burnables are put out twice a week (T & F). These do not go where I put all the recyclables. They go out in front of the house. Then I cover them with a blue net so that the monsterous crows do not come pick the bags apart! Obviously, they are looking for food scraps. Why are there so many food scraps? Because there aren't garbage disposers! The sinks have little strainers that you have to clean out and put in your trash. We were actually "warned" about the crows. At the time, we laughed.....we're not laughing anymore.

Bag with blue lettering is for plastics, BUT you put plastic "pet" bottles in a separate bag from other misc. plastics. They also have to be cleaned before you put them in the bags.

Bag with blue lettering is also for cleaned food and drink cans and other misc. aluminum, but not to be mixed in with either of the plastics bags.

Bag with blue lettering is also for cleaned food cartons and other recyclable-type papers. Again, not to be mixed in with either of the plastics or aluminum bags. I rinse out milk and juice cartons before I break them down to put in the bin.

Bag with green lettering is for anything that isn't burnable and doesn't fit into one of the other recyclable bags. But, it has to be smaller than 30x30x30 cm. Anything larger than that has to be called in for pick-up.

Bag with green lettering is also for spray cans. But before putting in the bag, you are required to poke a hole in the side of the can. The 100 yen stores actually sell tools designed just for this purpose. These are not to be mixed in with the other green bag of misc.

Glass bottles and jars do not go in a bag. They get put into a large, blue, community bin located where I take all the bags to.

So, I have to take 4-6 bags (don't usually take the "green" bags) and our bottles to the community recycling area, which is pretty close. It sounds, and actually is, pretty complicated, but I'm getting the hang of it. The girls are doing great knowing whether to put their trash in the trash can under the sink or in the "plastic" bin. I'll post pictures of the bins and other stuff. It will be pretty easy to bait the crows ;)


Gracie the hoarder...

Twice now, when I've gone to clean the girls' room, I've found food stashed in Gracie's nightstand- fritos and cheerios, to be exact. We had the talk about what to do in the event of an earthquake, so maybe she's just covering her bases. I swear that child eats constantly! All I hear from all three of them is, "I'm hungry." What I would give for their metabolisms.... And, again, Sam and I are very afraid about what the teenage years will bring if they can already eat this much food!


Mommy, when are we going back to Planet Earth?

That's one of the questions we are asked most often. We have tried explaining that Japan IS on Planet Earth, just on the other side. Some how, we are failing to get this concept through to them. I know we've told most of you about the girls freaking out over being "aliens," so maybe that's why they're convinced we are no longer living on Planet Earth.

Sophie told me the other day that she really misses Sonic (not that I took her all that often - OK, I'm lying). Gracie is looking forward to eating at Pancho's. And Izzy is looking forward to Chuck E. Cheese's. Sam is ready to wakeboard, and I'm looking forward to a whole day at Target going up and down every single aisle!!! OF COURSE, we are also excited about seeing our friends and families :)

We had "Izzy Day" last Sunday. She has been dying to go to the aquarium (AGAIN). Sam was going to take her by herself for some special "daddy time." Sam asked her if she wanted just the two of them to go, or if she wanted to take her sisters, too. Precious girl wanted to take her sisters! So, we set off for the aquarium, after the usual crying over hair, socks, jeans, shoes, and the oh so difficult negotiations of how many "babies" Mom will let us take in the car. (Sam and I are really starting to become very afraid of what the teenage years will have in store for us.) As usual, the port, where the aquarium is, was swamped with cars, so we had to come up with a new plan. We ended up going to Chilis and Garlic, the Korean BBQ place we all love - of course, it was Izzy's choice! Then we went to the Expo Park and played, again as requested by Izzy. Izzy was quite full of herself by the end of the day! Of course, now Sophie and Gracie are planning their big days :)

Love and Hugs!
Miss you all!

Friday, November 2, 2007

A Blessed Day!

It's been a rough seems Satan has really been stirring the pot lately. I hate that I'm not home to comfort my family and friends through the tough times they are facing. I miss my family and friends, and the girls have talked a lot about missing everyone and just the normal homesickness that is to be expected. Hopefully, we will get to come home to visit in the spring/summer!

No news on Malorrie yet, but I pray that she and her family get the news they've been waiting for - it's time for some good news!

Today I decided that the girls and I were just going to have some fun -darn it! We went to the zoo and had a picnic, fed the goats, held the guinea pigs, threw leaves, and just enjoyed being young :) God sent lots of little joys our way! Izzy had a little admirer. He was totally smitten with her. She was so sweet and tolerant - LOL :) I was also taking a picture of the girls with the "sky tower" in the background, and this little girl kept easing into the picture. I finally turned around to find her momma to make sure it was OK to take her picture, and her momma was there ready to snap away also. Again, there were lots of great "momma" moments today.

We are keeping you all in our prayers! If there is ever a specific request, let us know - I have three other (little) mighty prayer warriors helping me out :)

God bless you all!