The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Still not in the house.....

Hey Everyone,

We had a great, busy weekend! We went to see Wayne and Debbie on Saturday. They are both incredibly sweet, and adored by the girls. We also went to pick out our TV and vacumn. Then we went to the Korean BBQ (Chilis and Garlic).

Sunday, we went to FuKui (foo-koo-ee). It is on the west side of the island, which all the Japanese told us is much nicer than the east side. It was really pretty! We got to drive through some beautiful mountains on the way, and the beach is actually surrounded by lush, green mountains. The majority of the mountains are covered in beautiful pine trees. It was a fun day, and the girls got to swim in the ocean. They got in too deep a couple of times because they have no fear - LOL. Sam and I had to stay right beside them, which just thrilled Gracie who is 4-going-on-14. The highlight was the girls getting to catch some beautiful minnows. They were about the size of a fishing minnow, and they would swim into the shallow water to escape the "larger" things chasing them. They would just look at the girls and kill over :) They were not very resilient, but very pretty, with a blue-green stripe on their back. Sam wanted me to add the kamikaze motorcyclists. We were on the expressway, so we, and the other cars were going about 110 km/hr. These guys would pass everyone on the shoulder or just go between us and the car beside us. We're used to them doing it in the city, but everyone is going pretty slow. There were a few that went between us and a bus - way too trusting of us crazy, American drivers.

We topped off the day at a Brazilian Churrascaria. They had a scrumptious buffet, and the meat was wonderful! They also had a live band, and the girls danced with Gi-Gi, who is an older Brazilian man. I'm not sure if he is the owner, or just the churrascaria cook :) Another girl came by and danced with them for a few minutes, as well. Sam classified it as the "Perfect Day!"

Monday, the girls and I went to the Robot Museum. The girls had been dying to go. The girls were a little young for most of the activities, but enjoyed looking around.

Monday's dining experience was not quite so "smokin'." We went to Uno's, which is a Mexican restaurant. The girls ordered Cheddar Chicken, which was like a chicken flauta, EXCEPT they put COLD nacho cheese sauce and ketchup on it. Even my tacos had mayonnaise and ketchup on them. Now, the chips and salsa were actually pretty good, but the girls ate them all :(

Tuesday, Diana came and picked up the girls and me. She showed me the Daiei (die-ay) by our house. It has an awesome 100 yen store! Sophie LOVES Marie from the Aristocats, and we have found everything you could possibly imagine, MARIE! She took us to a park, and we took a small nature hike. She also cooked fajitas, spanish rice, refried beans, and guacamole for us - Yummmmm! It was a wonderful evening spent with new friends.

Today, the girls and I walked the area. Eri-san showed us where a 100 yen store was by us(on the 7th floor), and I also went to the book store which has one floor with "foreign books." The girls got a couple of new books. They are able to really stick with a story now, and enjoy reading time. Diana also showed me some Japanese "ABC" books, which will be good for me and the girls. Diana actually can read some Japanese, so I'm looking even more forward to having the tutor teach me to speak AND read the language.

We met Sam back at the hotel at 2:00 today, so we could go get our alien registration cards. Fortunately, we have a wonderful lady who fills out all our registration stuff. The funny part is: Sophie has been obsessing about E.T. lately(we don't own the movie - she's just obsessing). The past few nights, we've had to remind Sophie that E.T. was a nice "Alien." And, E.T. is just pretend, and Jesus lives in our heart, so we don't need to be afraid. It works, Thank You, God! Anyway, today, I was telling the girls that we are going to get our alien registration cards...Doh!....

Gracie: "What you say 'bout aliens?!"

Me: "Uhhhh, we are considered aliens in Japan because we're not from here."

Can you picture what they are picturing???

Gracie: "I DON'T WANT TO BE AN ALIEN!!!" (enter tears and hysterics).

Sam and I begin back-peddling at this point, and finally tell Gracie she doesn't have to be an "alien" if she doesn't want to be one. After the not-so-painful procedure of becoming "Official Aliens," I try to explain it to the girls again. This time I explained that they didn't have to be from outer space to be an alien (I gave them the definition). They were fine with THAT. So, now, we are proud "Aliens" of Japan! The only questions they had registering us were the girls' birthdate being the same, and me being born in Japan. They totally got when we told them "Tachikawa" (where I was born).

I'll proof-read this tomorrow, and try to make corrections, but this alien is tired :)

Love, Hugs, and Prayers for all of you, our family and friends.

HOPEFULLY, the next time I "blog" it will be to tell you we're getting in the house :)


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Another typhoon, and a big day at the port...

We went to the port today to experience some of the other things it has to offer. We toured the Antarctica Explorer ship, the Fuji. It was really interesting, and I kept thinking how our dads and nephews would have loved it. They had some taxidermied penguins and some mannequins to show what certain rooms and areas were for. I have to add that because the girls, Izzy especially, kept asking if the people used to be real, too. I'm trying to keep from laughing, as she still isn't buying the concept of the people being made of plastic, and asks me if the people are "stuffed." They really don't want to stay on the ship - I think mainly because of the "stuffed" people - LOL :) They loved the navigation room and "drove" that ship all over the place. They also made a few important phone calls (pics on imageevent) :)

You will notice in the pictures that their hair was all over the place. Typhoon Usagi is not going to directly impact us, but because Japan is so small, and it's a pretty powerful typhoon, we are going to get some wind and rain from it. We are planning on seeing Ratatouille tomorrow since it is supposed to be windy and stormy. Ai was helping me find out the times for it, and wanted to go with us. She dropped by the room tonight to bring the girls some MORE candy :) Everyone here is spoiling my girls rotten!! Last night I took them to the liquor store with me, and the guys working there gave them each a cute little yellow apron. It had "Smirnoff Ice" on it, but hey, they can't read yet, and they had a great time playing "store" before bedtime.

We went to the People's Park and Italio Villagio, which is a replica of Italy (also in the port). They actually have little canals and gondolas throughout. It's funny because most of the people working in "Little Italy" were Japanese :) They do have an opera, which appeared to have caucasian-type performers. Sam and I have learned to not stereotype people as "American." We now say "Western" or "Caucasian."

The girls loved the petting zoo! They had the usual goats, pigs, rabbits, more guinea pigs, and DOGS. The girls miss Bandit so much, so they loved getting to pet and love on all these different breeds of dogs. Of course, me being the animal lover, I was a little concerned about the welfare of these puppies, until I saw them chowing down on ice cubes. They seemed very fat and happy. There are some strays here, but for the most part, it is very expensive, from what I've been told, to try and buy an animal like a dog or cat. There was one shop I saw selling Venecian glass - very pretty! I may have to go back. There was also a Ferrari store, selling lots of racing stuff - again, I thought of my nephews!

We also visited the Observatory. I teased the girls about being able to see Granny and Pa Pa's house from there :) It was a spectacular view of everything, and we could even see "Ku" performing at the aquarium. Ku is Japan's Shamu :)

Sounds like a big day, huh?? Well, Gracie is actually asleep and it's ONLY 9:30! We topped off the day at The Hard Rock Cafe. Two girls (20-something) wanted their picture with the girls. The girls are so good about being "celebrities" and went over to the big stuffed bear and posed for SEVERAL pictures. They are even getting good about flashing the "peace sign," which is big in Japan. Most of the younger Japanese make the peace sign when getting their picture taken. Anyway, when the girls brought our girls back, I told them "Mitsugo," which means triplets (no, I'm not at all proud). They thanked us over and over - so sweet, but Sam and I were thankful for 2 minutes of peace :) I just laughed and asked Sam if he could imagine the "attention" that our adorable nephews and nieces would get?!?

I guess that's about it. We just have to add that we are so thankful to God for so many miraculous prayers answered: Malorrie feeling well enough to go out and live-it-up with friends, Lorrie and the "guys" doing better, Phil, Kristy, and the boys getting to be together again and free of house woes, and my parents, Chris, and the kids gaining some peace. I hope you join me in thanking God for all his blessings, guidance, and wisdom. We are truly thankful and blessed!

Shall I leave you with a laugh (I told a few of you already)?.....We were coming back from breakfast yesterday, and I told the girls they needed to go in and pick up their room before the cleaning staff showed up. I got the usual, "Why do we have to do all the hard work (their new saying)?!? I replied with my scripted, "Who goes to work and misses spending time with you EVERY DAY, so that you have food, toys, (and don't have to walk three miles in the snow without shoes)!?! Of course, I get the remorseful, "DADDY." And then I ask, "And WHO cooks for you, does the dishes, your laundry, and cleans up after you?" They pause, and reply, "THEY do." "They" being the wonderful hotel staff - LOL :) It's time to get into a house so my children appreciate me again :)

Love and Hugs to you all!