The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Things you don't want to hear from your 5 year-olds

I could write a book listing the things you don't want to hear your 5 year-old say, but here's what happened today.

Today is dress-up day at the Glenn House. Gracie and Izzy had on cheerleader outfits/pom-poms. After showing me the cheer they made up, they head downstairs. Gracie says, "Let's go play Kim Possible!" Izzy says, "Wait, we have to get on each other's shoulders first!" Mom says, "No!!! You do not get on each other's shoulders!!" As I'm typing this, Izzy comes to me hurt - apparently, she fell off of Gracie....hmmmmm, wonder what they were doing?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Thanks to my wonderful wife who stayed home with the sick kiddos I got to kiteboard for the first time!

Over the last 2 years I have tried several times to take lessons but kept having problems finding an opening that fit my schedule or the weather and finally the language. About 6 weeks ago everything finally lined up and I was able to take kiteboarding lessons. Wasn't able to actually ride but learned the basics. I went to the river a couple times after that but the wind was not good enough for me to actually try to ride but I praticed flying and re-launching the kite. Re-launching is a nice way to say the darn thing kept falling out of the sky!

Yesterday the wind was great and I was able to actually RIDE! It was a great day!

The pictures are small but if you click on them you get a larger picture.

This is the sandbar on the river where I go to, when the river level changes this whole area is a couple feet underwater. I know the tide changes the water level but there is also something else because in 5 hours I watched this place go from beach to 2 feet under water and then back to beach.

This is one of the guys I have met there, everyone there have been very nice and helpful.

Our new family members

A couple of weeks ago we went camping at Araragi. We were hoping to find some beetles. The sweet man who runs the camp, went and found several beetles for the girls. We ended up bringing 4 small beetles home, and "Missy" (who I think is a boy). He has quite the personality. He tries to act all big and bad, but the girls just scoop him up anyway. I guess I might have a bad attitude too, if I were a guy named "Missy." Anyway, here are some pictures:

We left the snake and fire-belly newt (salamander) we caught. We did also bring home 3 different kinds of caterpillars. One died, but the other two made cocoons.

The next picture is of "Claws." Sam brought her home from kiteboarding. I believe she is a fiddler crab, and she seems to be doing really well. We are feeding her flaked salmon, and she is very active :) Sophie donated her My Little Pony house for Claws to live in.

That's all for now. I will be trying to catch up on sharing our latest adventures



Update on Sophie

Dr. Sasake took her off the Amoxicillin, and told me to continue with the Benadryl. I went ahead and gave her the pink eye antibiotics (eye drops). I went to check on the girls at about 9:30, and noticed Sophie scratching in her sleep. She had hives all over her again, and her face was swollen. I gave her Benadryl and applied Cortisone again, and she is sleeping peacefully. I will be giving her Benadryl every 4 hours just to make sure. What a scary afternoon :(

Will the "sickies" ever go away!?!

I took the Girls to the doctor yesterday. Gracie tested positive for strep (I almost didn't take her), and Izzy and Sophie were both "iffy." All three have tonsillitis AGAIN. Fortunately, he put all three on antibiotics. Sophie also got drops for her horrible pink eye, and Gracie got some ointment with steroids and antibiotic for her flaring eczema. We have been fighting the tonsillitis since we got back to Japan in May - one of them always has a red, sore throat.

Today, the girls and I went out to get some cold medicine for their cough. Sophie kept telling me she was itchy. I told her I would give her some Benadryl when we got home. When we got home I checked her itchy spots, and the poor baby had hives all over. I shoved a Benadryl down her and put cortisone on the patches. All I can figure is she is allergic to the Amoxicillin :( So, after researching it, I called Dr. Sasake in a panic. I didn't want to give her anymore at bedtime, in case she has a worse reaction - not good with her asthma. I'm also worried about the reaction getting worse, although she seems to already be much better. So, we are off to Dr. Sasake's in an hour. They are always wonderful in getting us in very quickly, and they can usually understand me. It can be scary to be in a foreign country with a sick child and not be able to communicate effectively :)

Poor Sam, we had all these big plans for his week off, but at least he's been able to go kiteboarding. He is planning on blogging about his experience :) I can't wait to see the pictures. I am worried because he has started coughing now. What are the odds we gave him something?

Hopefully, we will get them well by the time school starts. I'm starting to feel like a horrible mother :(

Love to you all, and thanks for letting me hang out on the pity pot.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

We're still here :)

Sorry we haven't blogged in awhile. I have a ton of pictures and stories to share! Thank you to those of you who have been checking the blog!

We stay so busy, but love it! When we do get a day off, I have to clean house and sneak in a nap ;)

Sam is on natsu yasumi (summer vacation) this week, so we will be running all week probably.

Sophie is sick again - pink eye and tonsillitis.

I promise to write more and post pics! Love you all!
