The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wind and Snow!

After years of wishing for NO WIND and WARM WEATHER, Sam is a changed man! Now, he checks the wind website, and today, we went and bought Gracie a snowboard, in anticipation for the snow-ski season - LOL :) I'm so glad he has found things he can do here. I know he misses wakeboarding and skiing.

I have to fill out a questionnaire for the girls teacher, Mr. Burke, telling about their strengths and weaknesses and all the other things a school and teacher need to know. Oh my Gosh, did I mention that my BABIES are going to kindergarten in a week!!! I am feeling so many feelings right now. I'm worried, happy, scared, excited.....(sip of wine - it's 8:00 p.m. here). I want everything to be perfect for them. I want them to feel special and unique, but also know how special being a triplet is. One of my favorite quotes, from 'Hope Floats,' is: " what you spend the REST of your life trying to overcome."

Sophie wrote the alphabet on her magna doodle today. She is so amazingly smart. She can really frustrate us at times, but I think it's because she's smarter than us :) When I look at pictures and remember all she went through the first week and a half, I'm so thankful to God for my stubborn, obstinate, and very sweet and funny girl! Last week, she told us she had a nightmare that pirates captured her and cut off her hands......WHAT?? Where did that come from? She is already writing her name all swirly and cutesie. She is going to be very artistic, and learning will come easily for her. She also had a horse named 'Vanilla,' that she talks about often. Unfortunately, according to Sophie, Vanilla passed away. Depending on the day, Vanilla's demise changes (one day she told me how 'vanilla" was attacked by a shark). She clearly has an interest in death, but I remember Izzy went through a period of interest/concern in death. She often tells me about things she did with Vanilla (who was a paint horse by the way). I've heard of imaginary friends, but does anyone know about deceased imaginary friends? I need to sit her down and have her dictate a story about Vanilla - it would be quite entertaining I'm sure. I wonder how many triplet children develop imaginary pets :)

Izzy....Izzy, Izzy, Izzy.....she's my baby girl! I've been told she is a lot like me, especially by Sam. As she develops, I see she is a lot like me. She is a sucker for any animal, or life-form. She is compassionate, worrisome, obsessive, and loving. She loves all life, she wants to please, but she also can only be pushed so far. She is such a momma's girl, and I love it! I remember when we brought her home from the hospital, she wanted only Sam. Being the awesome father, he stayed with her and Sophie at the hospital, while I took care of Gracie at home. I went to see them, but they saw a lot more of him. I remember worrying about how exhausted he was, as he spent every moment possible at the NICU with Sophie and Izzy. I remember crying that she didn't know I was her momma (I was probably a little hormonal). Well, we've made up for it. She did go out with Daddy yesterday without saying good-bye or I love you to me :( They are all just crazy about their daddy! I'm pretty crazy about him, too. Honestly, I can't imagine living in a house with 4 males. He handles being the only man surrounded by 4 women very well - God knew what he was doing (Sam does deserve it, too).

Gracie gets more and more independent by the day. She is SO much like her daddy. I asked them yesterday if they wanted me to drive them to school the first day, or let them ride the bus. I, of course, knew my babies would want me by their side as they began one of the most important journies of their life. Gracie quickly let the wind out of my sail by telling me she would prefer to take the bus. After trying to get her to change her mind, I finally told her that I needed to be there for their first day, and could she please just give me this one without a battle- sheeesh! She hates to be sent to her room, so at least I still have a little control :)


Anonymous said...

You know we expect some photos of first day and lots of stories. They are all so social I'm sure they will be bringing bunches of other little girls to the house in no time. I wish I could be a fly on the wall to watch that first day at school. Love Mom

Cindy Tucker said...

I can't believe the girls are starting kindergarten already! It seems a little funny to me that their school is starting the same time ours is...everyone hum "It's a Small World After All" right now!

I sure did wish you were closer this week when I found THREE baby kittens in my yard! I'll email a picture - I think each of the girls needs a kitten! Maybe when you get back to the states!

Good luck to all of you this week with school starting - I can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!

=)Aunt Cindy