The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Our triplets' twins

Our dear friends' triplet girls, from Cost, Texas, started school this week, also. Check out Olivia, Caroline, and Sara on the front page of their local paper. Nanette said it would change Tuesday, so hopefully, you'll be able to see it. If you will notice, each of the girls bears a strong resemblance to each one of our girls :)


Anonymous said...

Glad to see their great friends doing well. It is amazing how the girls match with the other triplets. I can't wait till the first slumber party. Poor Sam. But then I never knew how many would be at our house for a meal or overnight stay. Love Mom

Cindy Tucker said...

So cute! Isn't it fun to have "famous" friends? I have always thought it was so amazing that they do favor Sophie, Izzy, and Gracie so much.

Good luck to all 6 of the triplets at school. And good luck to their older sister too!
