The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Update on Sophie

I took Sophie back to the doctor today. She still has white patches on her tonsils, and they are still swollen.

Dr. Sasake said that on a scale of 0-3, her tonsils are a 2, as far as swelling. However, the white patches are not infected. So, basically, she has tonsillitis, STILL, but isn't "sick." If she progresses to a '3,' which means the tonsils are actually touching one another, and/or she has apnea problems, then we will need to be take some action.

The good news is that she doesn't complain of her throat hurting, and she is eating pretty well.

I talked to Sam tonight, and I think if it gets to that point (a 3 or apnea), the girls and I will be making a trip back to the States to see our pedi and an ENT.

She has always been one to snore, but I had Dr. Brennan check her before we came to Japan. She said her adenoids and tonsils were OK.

So, only time will tell....

As much as a trip home would be nice, I don't want it to be for this reason.

1 comment:

Cindy Tucker said...

Oh my - I'm glad that Sophie isn't necessarily feeling bad, but I hate to hear that she's still technically sick.

As much as we would all love to see you again, we're with you on this one...this would NOT be a good reason for a visit to the states!