The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Gracie's Body Guard

My friend, Kirste, sent me an email telling me about an incident that happened while I was getting my hair cut. Hopefully, she won't mind me sharing her email. By the way, Jake turned 3 in January. Here's the email:

I forgot to tell you about what happened as Jake, Grace and I were coming out of the Hilton bathroom. Jake is lately really hating any attention he gets from stranger old ladies. If they smile or talk to him, he will say "Da-me!" or blow a raspberry or something. A Japanese (older) lady was coming into the narrow bathroom entrance as we 3 were leaving it. The lady said "kawaii!" and lunged to pat Gracie on the head. Jake threw himself in front of Gracie, bringing his elbows up as a barrier in front of himself so that the lady couldn`t touch him or Gracie. But the old woman didn`t respect that and laughed and patted or went to pat Jake on the head. I heard him bare his teeth/growl a bit at her but she just laughed and continued walking into the bathroom. It happened so fast & I was impressed with Jake moving so fast and that he tried to protect Gracie! I wonder if Gracie even realised what the old lady or Jake were doing??

He is one of the most wonderfully behaved, sweetest, and cutest little boys I've ever met! I love him even more now ;)

Thanks Jake!


1 comment:

Cindy Tucker said...

What an absolute cutie!