The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Coming soon: Kindergarten!!!

The next big dilemma in the life of triplets:

To separate, or keep together in school….

When looking back on this, I guess it’s obvious that you can physically separate multiples, but you can’t separate the bond they share.

We planned on keeping the girls together in kindergarten, and it looks like we will get our wish. The school they will go to only has two kinder classes, and the headmaster asked us what WE wanted :) We would be open to separating them, but really wanted them to be together the first year, at least.

Why? All they have ever known is having two sisters with them. There is no way I would put two in one class and one of the girls by themselves. Is this an option down the road – sure it is. I did ask the girls if they wanted to be with their sissies or without. I wanted their input, and actually thought two of them might choose "without." They all three acted like, "How could you even ask us that - of, course we want to be together!" Yes, it will be nice to have the same homework, field trips, volunteer schedule, but what's more important is the amazing bond between them. Sure they are individuals, but they've also been together since conception (and we believe since God chose them especially for us), and I'm not willing to separate them from each other if they don't want or need to be - all in the name of "it's best for the individual," or "they shouldn't receive special treatment." God, what I would have given to have someone in my life I was as close to as my girls are. I'm going to do everything I can, for as long as I can, to promote that closeness!

I have an amazing peace in my heart knowing my girls have, and are so close to, each other. I will see that their emotional bond is embraced and nurtured, as long as we, their parents, see them thriving. Remember the NICU? The doctors and nurses understood, from experience that multiples do better and thrive when they are together. They moved Sophie and Izzy together as soon as they could, and we added Gracie back into the "pot" as soon as possible. They literally helped one another maintain body temperature and found peace, happiness, and contentment snuggling one another – I have the photos to prove it.

The greatest day in my life was April 12, 2003. The next greatest, was the day we brought them all home together to be a family.

School is important, but at 5, my daughters' emotional well-being takes precedence. I could care less if we have different homework assignments because I already know down the road that Izzy will be studying biology and geography. Sophie will be writing VERY LONG speeches, essays, and loving the debate team, and Gracie will be going to practice constantly - the question is: Will it be ballet, track, basketball, or gymnastics - knowing Gracie - ALL of them! She's very smart, but can't sit still to save her life :) She will also be the one dragging home every stray animal she finds – don’t know where she got that gene from. Because of their sisters, however, they will be well-rounded and have interests and exposure to all aspects of life.

We used to joke about them driving together. We decided that they would share a car – one of those big ole’ cadillacs. God help us, Sophie will be driving, with Gracie egging her on to go faster, but thank goodness, Izzy will be in the back seat dialing 911 because her sisters have gone over the legal speed limit. Hmmmmm…..good dream or bad dream? That is the question.

After prayers the other night, I asked each of the girls, "What makes YOU special?" They told me some SILLY things (I’m the smart one, I like snakes, I’m the cute one), but they understand the importance of being "ME," and the blessing of being TRIPLETS.


Anonymous said...

Love Love Love this blog entry. I only wish the decision was easy and guaranteed to be the the correct one. Hugs my friends, You are both such awesome parents.


Anonymous said...

Just thinking about Izzy marching down the hall, annoucing "I'm going to find my sissies". I would pity anyone who tries to seperate them for any reason. God blessed us all when he sent them to us. But I think it is the greatest blessing for them to have each other and two great parents. Not bragging, just stating the facts. Love Mom

Cindy Tucker said...

Your post made me tear up about how special your girls are and how much they love each other.

I'm glad the headmaster is willing to listen to what you want - and even gladder that with only 2 classes, your decision is really made for you this year. I can't wait to hear some of the girls' tales about their life at school. (Of course, it would be great fun to talk to the teacher too and hear all her tales!)

I can totally see the scenario you laid out in the car - Better tell Izzy to have 911 on speed dial! =)
