The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Takasu Snow Park

Of course, in all the pictures, I misspelled it. Last Sunday, we went to Takasu Snow Park! It is about 2 hours from us. It was a beautiful trip through the mountains! The park is for skiing and snowboarding, but they also have a really cute kids area. We took a sled, but they also have some for the guests to borrow. We sledded for a long time then just played in the snow. The girls dug holes and built snowmen - so much fun! It was magical because the girls have never seen so much snow! We went into the lodge, and I took off their shoes and socks, which were cold and wet. Before we go again, we'll get them snow boots. They were quite the little troopers - never complained once, but I guess I can understand why :)

Sam got sick on the way home Sunday night, and by Monday night, the girls and I were sick. Of course, most of you heard about me teasing him about it being a man-cold. By Tuesday, I was apologizing to him (he's still making me apologize). I'm pretty sure this was the flu. Fortunately, we all got it at the same time. The girls and I cat-napped most of the week with cough, fever, headache, and bodyaches. My teeth literally hurt! Night before last and yesterday, was probably the worst of it for the girls. Kim called to check on us Friday, and I HAD TO BRAG that Sophie hadn't had all the asthma problems. When will I learn??? Friday night and Saturday were really scary. I finally got her under control at about 3:30 in the morning. She had a lot of trouble yesterday (even started running a fever again), but slept until midnight, then 3:30, and then until Daddy got up with them this morning. She and the other two are much better today, so I'm hoping we've gone through the final stage. If we could all get rid of this nasty cough, things would be perfect again :) It will be awhile before I tease Sam again, who went to work every day feeling really bad! But just in case a million apologies aren't enough - sorry Honey!!!

Hope you all are well!


Cindy Tucker said...

Oh man, I hate that y'all were all sick at once, but I guess it's better than one week at a time! Hopefully you're past the worst of it - I know the cough can hang on forever though - hate that!

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have brought you some egg-drop soup!!! But I thought you knew about Sam and if he gets sick. You can bet that anyone around him will be 3 times as sick for 4 times as long. When he was little if he came in from play to lay down and nap. He would be back at play the next day. But Dad, Bill and myself would be sick for 3 weeks. Dad wouldn't miss work just cranky to live with, but Bill and I would really suffer. You have my sympathies. Remember that when he had Scarlet Fever that went to his heart. I only realized he was really sick when he started asking me to make the room stop moving. He was burning up with fever but never slowed down a minute. Keep on getting well we can't wait for you to come home. Love XXXOOO Mom