The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Prayer Requests

Please pray for my parent-in-laws' little dog, Princess. She was attacked by a big dog while Dad was walking her and Bandit. She has had surgery (they had to stabilize her first because she was in shock), but now runs the risk of infection, and there is concern for her pancreas. It was torn loose during the attack. Fortunately, there were witnesses, and they know where the dog lives. Dad is OK, but very upset over what happened. Fortunately, he doesn't remember a lot about it, but he knows Princess isn't doing well. Bless her heart, she is so tiny. Dr. Young is taking care of her, so I know she is in the best possible hands. I am so thankful for the couple who drove alongside Dad as he carried Princess back home. The dog apparently was still following them, but they would honk to scare it off. I'm so mad, because this was one of the things Dad could really do independently. He enjoyed walking Bandit and Princess so much! Again, I'm so thankful Dad wasn't hurt, and that Bandit seems to be OK -just traumatized. So, please pray for Princess, she is such a sweet little dog. We all love her so much, but she means the absolute world to Mom and Dad.

Also, Malorrie's bone marrow test results should be coming back soon. Please, please, please pray that she is in remission now and free of all the cancer.

Thank you for all your love and prayers - they mean the world to us!



Cindy Tucker said...

Oh my goodness - I'm so shocked to hear about little Princess! Good thing is that God can answer ALL prayers, and he's never too busy for any of us! I guess it is a blessing that Sam's dad doesn't remember a whole lot of it. I do hope that dog can be dealt with, and he can return to walking both dogs in time.

I can't stop thinking of Malorrie these days - I know they're all anxiously awaiting the word about the test results. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything!


Mrs. Glenn said...

Thanks so much, Cindy!

Anonymous said...

We have been praying for Malorrie all along at church and are, of course, continuing to do so. We will definintely be adding sweet, adorable Princess to the list. Poor dad. Like Cindy said, maybe that's a blessing he doesn't remember much. How traumatic that would be to witness something like that.
Love yall!