The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Things you don't want to hear from your 5 year-olds

I could write a book listing the things you don't want to hear your 5 year-old say, but here's what happened today.

Today is dress-up day at the Glenn House. Gracie and Izzy had on cheerleader outfits/pom-poms. After showing me the cheer they made up, they head downstairs. Gracie says, "Let's go play Kim Possible!" Izzy says, "Wait, we have to get on each other's shoulders first!" Mom says, "No!!! You do not get on each other's shoulders!!" As I'm typing this, Izzy comes to me hurt - apparently, she fell off of Gracie....hmmmmm, wonder what they were doing?


Anonymous said...

FUNNY!!!!! How cute are they in those cheerleader outfits!!!

Cindy Tucker said...

They look precious - I can't imagine they would EVER do anything they weren't supposed to do! =)

How is Sophie? I hope she's feeling better these days!

When does school start? Kids here have another week - I don't know when schools start in other countries. Are the girls ready? Do they have school supplies? Is Mommy ready? It's going to be such a big, new adventure for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Granny thinks it is time for gymnastic lessons. Since they are going to do it they should learn how to do it right. Maybe you should infest in a bunch of large landing pillows. HeHe Sorry to read about Sophie. Much as I would love to see you not for that reason.
Since it took me two days to get here I don't know if it will post or not. Love you all Mom