The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Nagoya compared to Fort Worth

I'm always fascinated by how different it is in Nagoya from what I'm used to. Take the weather for instance:

Fort Worth's Forecast:

M 84/62
T 65/33
W 53/38
Th 60/38
F 66/37

Nagoya's Forecast:

T 47/32
W 49/29
Th 48/29
F 47/29

Fort Worth Population: 661,850 (2006)
Nagoya Population: 2,223,148 (10/04)

Number of Japanese in Fort Worth: 413 (2000 census)
Number of Americans in Aichi Prefecture: 1,453 (2000) (couldn't find Nagoya)

Area of Fort Worth: 298.9 square miles
Area of Nagoya: 126 square miles (Aichi pref. has an area of about 1,990 square miles)

Density of Fort Worth: 1,999 people per square mile
Density of Nagoya: 17,446 people per square mile

Hopefully, my math is close to being correct :) It is kind of neat to compare the two places. I'll try and add more later - time to go play mommy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are ready for you to come home. I know the girls will have to go to the zoo, Fossil Rim, and the gardens as well. Wallmarts had a new line of little pet shop clothing. It was cute and cheap but that nylon type of material rather than cotton. I'm afraid it would be horribly hot and sticky in your summer. Besides they will love shopping for themselves. But I did pick up a free poster for them. Love Mom