The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh me, Oh my!

At playgroup yesterday, we were doing a really cute craft to celebrate "Girl's Day." I was telling Gracie to glue her "crowns" on. Crafts are great, but three, four year-olds with glue can get a little crazy. One of the other moms was helping Sophie - so sweet! I came back to Gracie and she had glued a "crayon" on each of her princesses heads! I just died laughing. You see, I was telling my mom the other day how Sophie says "crayon" so funny, but that I can't mimic how she says it. Well now I can, Sam asked Sophie what was on the head of her prince and princess. She said, "A crown." Sam asked her what she used to write her name on her craft. She said, "A crown (crayon). Hmmmmm....I guess I know what we'll be doing for "speech" next week :) My Granny Combs is smiling down from Heaven over Sophie's accent.

In the last couple of weeks, letters and phonics have just clicked with the girls. They have been watching Letter and Word Factory for one, and they love to play with their Leap Frog Fridge Phonics and Word Whammer. All they want to do is write letters and any words they know. They will write a string of letters and ask me what word they wrote. I think they like hearing me try and pronounce things like,"BGSQAME." They LOVE dot-to-dots (numbers and ABCs), mazes, and anything drawing/coloring related.

Izzy was playing with one of our Magna Doodles, and I asked her what she was doing. She said making a shapes picture. I looked at her picture, and asked her what shape has three sides? She pointed to the triangle. I decided I would turn this into a teachable moment, and I asked her what TWO shapes have 4 sides? What would YOU have said?? She stops, pauses, and says a diamond...I roll my eyes and say, "You're right! A diamond has 4 sides! Now what OTHER two shapes have 4 sides?" She thinks for about 3 seconds, and says, "A square." Yeah Izzy! "There's one more shape - do you know one more that has 4 sides?" She thinks, and says, "A Wektangle." I was telling Sam about it, and he was impressed and all, but really concerned that the first shape that came to her mind was A DIAMOND ;) That is their birthstone.

And Sophie.....I was hoping to sleep in a little this morning - didn't go as planned :( Anyway, I was talking to her about something, and she mentioned an "elderly" lady. I grinned at Sam and told him to listen. I said, "Sophie, what were you telling me about the OLD lady?" She looks at me and says, "Mommy, we say, Elduhwee (elderly)." This comes from a conversation in the car where the girls referred to an "Old" lady on the street. I told them that "old" wasn't a really nice word, and they should say "elderly." Well, Heaven help me, a few weeks ago I said something about someone being "old." Sophie quickly corrected me and said, "Mommy, we don't say OLD, we say elderly."

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