The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


We had playgroup today. There weren't a lot of moms/kids there, but we had fun. I was "in charge" of something since joining the group - woo hoo! I brought reindeer cookies (I had so much fun making them) and animal crackers, apples, and mikan. Mikan is a Japanese tangerine. They are in season right now, and I haven't seen a kid, or HUSBAND, that didn't like them. Sam actually bought Izzy and me a Mikan tree!

We had a new potential member come today. She is Japanese married to a Nigerian. How cool is that! I love being able to experience such diversity!!! Her baby is absolutely beautiful :)

After playgroup, we went to the park. It's nice because our children play, and we get to visit with other moms. There were only three moms today, but our kids played so nicely together, and I had a great time visiting! Adult conversation....who would've thought?!

Missing friends and family in America, and rejoicing at new friendships God has sent!

1 comment:

Cindy Tucker said...

Your playgroup sounds like so much fun! I bet you're enjoying being able to visit with others and see the girlies having so much fun with other kids!

I hope you have a VERY Merii Kurisumasu!