The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Friday, November 2, 2007

A Blessed Day!

It's been a rough seems Satan has really been stirring the pot lately. I hate that I'm not home to comfort my family and friends through the tough times they are facing. I miss my family and friends, and the girls have talked a lot about missing everyone and just the normal homesickness that is to be expected. Hopefully, we will get to come home to visit in the spring/summer!

No news on Malorrie yet, but I pray that she and her family get the news they've been waiting for - it's time for some good news!

Today I decided that the girls and I were just going to have some fun -darn it! We went to the zoo and had a picnic, fed the goats, held the guinea pigs, threw leaves, and just enjoyed being young :) God sent lots of little joys our way! Izzy had a little admirer. He was totally smitten with her. She was so sweet and tolerant - LOL :) I was also taking a picture of the girls with the "sky tower" in the background, and this little girl kept easing into the picture. I finally turned around to find her momma to make sure it was OK to take her picture, and her momma was there ready to snap away also. Again, there were lots of great "momma" moments today.

We are keeping you all in our prayers! If there is ever a specific request, let us know - I have three other (little) mighty prayer warriors helping me out :)

God bless you all!

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