The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Our first Thanksgiving in Japan

On Thursday, Sam and I drove to Osaka to go to Costco. Our friend, Kim, watched the girls. The mountains were beautiful and a few even had snow on them! We saw a couple of rainbows on the way back. We had a great time just talking and shopping, without interruptions :)

All of the LMTASIC families met at Todd and Sue's house on Saturday. The guys didn't have Thursday off, so we waited until Saturday to celebrate. We had the most scrumptious pot-luck dinner. One of our friends, Debbie, "smuggled" a turkey and ham back from the States. We were all very impressed and very appreciative.

We also had a white elephant gift exchange. It was so much fun, and the girls sat there and watched the entire time. Sue had already gotten each of the girls a present, but they were very into the unwrapping and stealing of the presents. I ended up stealing a sleigh with stuffed reindeer in it. Gracie guarded it and gave anyone showing an interest in it "the look." Of course, Mr. Wayne, who is like a grandpa to them, teased her all night that he was going to take it. She finally "bribed" him with a cookie, so he wouldn't. She was quite proud of the fact that she protected my "stuff," but she has since decided the sleigh is hers.

We had the best time, and got to meet our Japanese teacher. We start lessons on Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun times. Can't wait till you come home. That Gracie does know how to give the "look" and bribery is just her cup of tea. They are all such negotiators. Love Mom

Cindy Tucker said...

Smuggled turkey? Does she have a recipe??? ha ha ha

Okay, seriously - can you not get turkey? what about chicken? ham? beef?

Sounds like y'all had a good time. Watch out though - the girls may want to steal each others' gifts this year! =)


Mrs. Glenn said...

We can get turkeys, but they're hard to find and really expensive. I just ordered one for Christmas and it will cost about 6,000 yen. I saw some small ones at Halo 2, and they were around 5,000 yen. You can't find turkey breast slices for sandwiches, etc. I really miss those :( You can find ham, pork, chicken, beef, and pretty much everything else. No swiss cheese either :(