The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Our first Halloween in Japan...

has been incredible! We had a party with our playgroup on Wednesday. The girls had a great time, and the other moms planned some great games, songs, stories, and fun! On Saturday, we went trick-or-treating. The girls are at the perfect age for it. They had the best time! It had rained all day, but about an hour before we were supposed to go, it cleared and was a beautiful night. God is so good! The girls weren't hysterical about the "scary" dressed boys, but Sophie decided it in her best interest to make friends with them - just to be on the safe side. She would wave her hand (in a rather intimidated manner) and say, "hi" (in a rather quiet manner). I guess she figured if she were nice to them then they wouldn't GET her.

We are all missing home, but adjusting well to life here. The girls are really starting to miss family, especially their grannies and pa-pas. They honestly talk about all of you. I'm amazed at what all they remember.

Sam took the girls to Baskin Robbins last weekend. Gracie was excited to have mint ice cream, but Izzy totally cracked me up. She was telling me about her ice cream and that it was rainbow colored and had Romans on top! What???? It had Romans on top. I thought for a minute and then asked her, "it had almonds on top?" She says, "Yes!"

Please pray for Malorrie. She has a big day coming up. Please pray that she is in remission, and that God continues to cure her.

We miss you all so much!

1 comment:

Cindy Tucker said...

Oh my goodness - look how beautiful all three girls are! I'm so glad to hear about your wonderful Japanese Halloween! I plan on spending mine like I always do - hiding in the back bedroom with all the lights turned off and the TV down super-low! I'm such a Halloween-Scrooge!

I'm missing you all so very, very much these days - I sure wish someone would hurry up and invent a way to pop back and forth between here and there instantaneously and inexpensively too!

Love y'all!