The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Christmas in Sakae

Sam, being the most wonderful father and husband, took the girls to the aquarium today, so I could do some shopping. Actually, I think he wanted me to clean the house, but there is just no point on the weekends. Monday, it will be shiny and clean. I was trying to decide where I wanted to go. Sam talked about meeting in Sakae on their way back from the aquarium (they took the subway). Suddenly, the light bulb went off - I could walk to the subway, without three hooligans, and go shopping in Sakae, without three little hooligans!!!! I had so much fun, and it really lifted my spirits seeing the stores decorated for Christmas. I went to the Disney store and found ornaments (not really ornaments, but I can fix that). I actually managed to find 3 My Little Ponies! I also found an advent calendar, a few more ornaments, and some tinsel for the tree at the 100 yen store. Fortunately, Sam brought some lights, because you wouldn't believe what they charge for lights here!

The stores here are set up a little different. I went to Mitsukoshi, Matsuzakaya, Skylie, and Tokyu Hands. All of them have about 10 floors, including the basement. Each floor has different departments.

There were several bands playing in the park. I sat and ate a cheeseburger from the 100 yen menu at McDonald's, and listened to the Japanese version of Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer. Sam and I are really impressed with how awesome the bands are here. I didn't see the "Dancing Elvises" today. I've got to get video of that for you all.

Sakae has their Christmas lights throughout the park, so we are planning on going back in the evening to see them. It's supposed to be really pretty.

We met up at the Tokyu to say "hi" to our friends, and then walked to the subway. The subway stop near our house is Issha Station. Typically, we catch a cab back to the house, but it was so nice outside, we decided to make the girls walk(maybe they will be tired tonight). We stopped and played at a park on the walk home. The girls, but especially Sophie, took to tree climbing today. Sam and I looked up, and Sophie was WAY higher than we wanted her to be. Sam lit the fireplace when we got home, and we are all chillin'.

Thank God, Domino's delivers! We usually order a large, spicy deluxe, and a large pepperoni and Italian sausage. After our coupon, it's 4,692 yen. Tipping is not customary, but we always tip our pizza guy about 500 yen. They are always so excited about it, which makes us feel really good, too. To make it easier on us, we think of the 4,692 yen as $46.92, and 500 yen as $5.00. So the 99 and 100 yen stores are like America's 99 cent and 1.00 stores.

Sam and the girls got to meet "Cody" from Surf's Up at the aquarium! They were really excited about it. I'll post the picture. Surf's Up is the last picture we saw before coming to Japan, and it will be showing in theatres here on Dec. 15th. Sam said they were asking questions, which of course were in Japanese, but Sophie still kept raising her hand :) We were talking about how we would love to be a fly on the wall the first day of kindergarten!! We're also taking bets on whether the girls' teacher will come back after the first day. They really are good girls - just a little overwhelming at times.

Love you all!

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