The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What's next?!?

Earlier in the week, I heard Gracie use the word, "Da@#!" Yesterday, Izzy said, "Da@#, this is good juice!" We had a long talk about curse words. They didn't know they were bad words, but NOW they do. We discussed words that we could use instead of those words, and how pretty girls don't use ugly words blah, blah, blah. Today, Little Miss Sunshine (Izzy) is sitting in the pool, and I hear, "Da@#, it's hot without sunscreen!" What?!?!?! She got a spanking (not near the one she would have gotten if we were inside) and a long timeout. I told her I would wash her mouth out with soap, if I ever hear it again. Of course, now I'm stressing over the chemicals in soap, so if someone in the States could send a bar of Ivory soap, I would appreciate it.

Now for a really weird moment...Gracie was standing at the table looking angelic. I had praised her on what a really good girl she has been lately. She has been so helpful and sweet. I grab her and catch a quick snuggle. I'm looking at her precious cow-lick, and ask her if she wants me to cut her bangs, or leave them long? We've been letting her hair grow out, because she will finally let me "foof" it. I'm looking at her hair and notice IT"S BEEN CUT! The bangs have been cut -not all, just some, and she has cut the sides also. She looks at me and bursts into tears. I know it has just happened because I gave her a bath in the last hour. Of course, she is mortified, so I can't get angry like I'd really like to, but......grrrr......this isn't the first time!!!! So, tomorrow, I will be cutting Gracie's hair.

This is why I drink.


Anonymous said...

Thank Goodness they are normal, healthy, smart, gorgous girls. You are going to be sooo lost when they start school. Enjoy every day while you can. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

ryan is in the hospital diagnosed with type 1 diabetes yesterday. Sorry I cannot email you I have no access to emailaddresses right now


Cindy Tucker said...

Oh my goodness ... little Miss Gracie has done it again! Don't tell her that I did that as a child too and that I still do it! I got in BIG trouble with my mom then. Now I just get evil looks from my hair lady!