The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

We passed our driving test!

The Davises and the Glenns passed their driving tests!!! All four of us passed...with triplets! The girls were so cute and kept telling me, "Mommy, I hope you win!" I had the cutest little cheer squad cheering me on as I got into the car (It was VERY TEMPTING to flash him a photo of the girls and make sure he knew they're "triplets," but I DIDN'T) I'm telling you, I'm learning to take advantage of the "Triplet Card" more - LOL :)

The employees at the facility didn't like that our Texas driving record was a computer-generated signature. The Japanese use stamps a lot, and they wanted some kind of "real" signature or stamp to show the letter was official. Our wonderful interpreter, after about 30 minutes of haggling, got them to accept the forms....whewwww.

We had to take a written test, and when we passed it, they signed us up to come take the driving test. Fortunately, Lockheed provides practice sessions on the courses. Sam and I, being so competetive, were more concerned about what each other made......we both made 90s.

We practiced Course A and Course B (which is in their cars), but didn't find out until the day of the test, which course we would be tested on. We had to memorize the routes of the courses, know at what point (in their appointed cars) to put on turn signals, change lanes, make sure not to hit any curbs on the Japanese-type side roads (very narrow), and make sure to lock the car, adjust the seat and mirrors, put on our seatbelts, start the car, put it in drive, release the parking brake, put on the left turn signal, look right, left, right, and pull out to start the course. We were also tested after we finished to make sure we got close to the left side when parking, stopped at the pole, put the parking brake on before shifting into park, turn off the car, and look back over our shoulder before opening the door.

I finished the Course B, feeling pretty good - I didn't hit any curbs, which is an instant "fail." The only things I thought I might have missed was looking over my left-shoulder when turning left once. Other than that, I had done everything like a well-rehearsed dance. I was even NOT NERVOUS going into the test - yes, Michelle was not stressing about something!! Anywho, I get out of the car, and the tester calls me over with our interpreter. He is telling her that I apparently was cutting my right turns too short when in an intersection. I tell him (smiling) "Domo Arrigato" for setting me straight, and then get really upset (not to his face of course). I ask our interpreter, "I'll still pass, RIGHT?" She says that she's not sure. This was never a problem for me brought up in practice, and I know I hit the "arrow" in the road with the left tire. There's no way I could have cut it short!!!! I could accept failing, if I had hit a curb, turned in front of a car, etc., but not for this!! All this worry to find out - I passed!!!!

There weren't very many in our group who passed. I think maybe 9 total. Everyone told us that most people, Japanese included, have to take the test several times before passing. We were also told that groups, like us, usually don't all pass - it doesn't look good :)

It was a great day because - WE ALL WON!!!

Am I bragging??? You bet!!! We're really proud of this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Yeah!!!!! I am so happy for both of you. Can't believe all you had to go through to prove that you could drive.
