The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day of School Pictures

In Japan, the kids do not wear their street shoes into the classroom. They change into classroom shoes. This helps keep the floors much cleaner, and they also keep them on in case of an earthquake. We did not have to provide "traditional" supplies, but this is what it takes to get triplets started - not bad :)

3 Kim Possible backbacks, 3 lunch totes, 6 pair of shoes, 15 notebooks, 9 plastic zippered bags, 3 paint shirts, 3 bottles of water (earthquake item), change of clothes for each girl, 6 boxes of Kleenex, 3 toothbrushes/toothpaste, sunscreen, mosquito bracelets (really cool), name tags, 3 hats, 3 small towels for drying hands, 3 Sketch books, and a "puffer" for Sophie.


Sophie Bear


Sophie, Gracie, & Izzy

Our First Day! The girls are standing in front of the shoe cubbies.

The girls with Finbar. I didn't notice it at the time, but Gracie and Izzy were holding hands.

I am proud of how well I'm handling my alone time. It helps so much to know they have such a wonderful, caring teacher. They love Finbar and school!


Anonymous said...

They look so grown-up!!! I'm so glad they have a teacher that is forward thinking. You can tell they are ready for the world!! Just like Gracie holding on to Izzy to comfort/protect or is it the other way around?? They are such a blessing to us and to each other. Glad to see their teacher mentioned "good Parenting skills". Nice to know I'm really not just prejudice on that one. With parents like you and Sam those girls will handle anything that comes their way. Love Mom

Cindy Tucker said...

Oh wow .... so grown up!!!!

I was at Bryson today and several people asked about the girls. I've snagged some of the pictures and will email them so they can see how precious and grown up they look!

Aren't school supplies fun???

Anonymous said...

Take note that for the "first day of school" mom was up WAY before anyone else. Everyone else was trying to sleep while mom is taking pictures.

Anonymous said...

WHAT "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

censorship!!!!! I protest!!!!

Hey we need a spell checker too

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous girlies, so grown up. Glad you are surviving. I have spent every minute at there school doing PTA stuff since they started. I just cannot go home to an empty house.
