The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our First School Pictures!

I couldn't decide what to put the girls in for picture day. I had decided that I was going to make them match, since I never do. I then remembered the dresses they had worn ONLY ONCE for Ai's wedding, so I decided that they would wear those. Well, Sophie was excited.......Gracie and Izzy weren't quite as enthusiastic. Gracie was in tears until I promised to send a change of clothes once pictures were taken. Izzy left the house in tears, mainly because I did her hair "pebbles style," and to quote her, "You know I hate my hair pebble style!" I'm attaching the photo I got of them waiting for the bus. It wasn't quite as nice as the one Finbar took at school - they were completely ticked off and sure that my actions constituted child abuse. They were probably worried the dresses would interfere with their bug-catching at school.

I laughed at an email I got from Finbar that evening. You see, Gracie has no problem with you telling her how cute or pretty she is in her t-shirts and shorts, but if, God forbid, I decide to "foof" her, she will burst into tears if you comment on how pretty she looks. Finbar said she wouldn't smile for the camera people, so they started telling her what a pretty princess she was in her pretty princess dress. He said he was motioning for them to "not got there," but it was too late. I love that he knows my girls so well!
The cheapest picture packages were 3,000 yen (about $30 U.S.)! Those don't even include an 8x10!


Anonymous said...

I wonder where they got that
T shirt and jeans thing?? I guess it is just rebellion towards their parents? People think that boys are easier to dress than girls. They never went shopping with Sam!!
They do look absolutely beautiful though. I love how they are hugging each other. Isn't it nice that they feel confident enough to express their opinions so clearly. Wonder where that came from?? Oh so, the seed doesn't fall far from the tree did you say? I wish you could find time to blog a bit more often and a few more photos. We all miss you all so very much. Love Mom

Cindy Tucker said...

They look adorable! (I can just hear the complaints now!)

I just love the bug stories - and I love the fact that they're having so much fun in kindergarten!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the report cards! =)

Anonymous said...

gorgeous. how are you all doing?
