The Three Little Kittens

The Three Little Kittens
Remarkably, they didn't lose their mittens!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't mess with Izzy's sisters!

Sam came downstairs and asked if I had heard about the boy who pushed Sophie down at school today. Sam was laughing that Izzy tried to chase the older boy down, but didn't catch him. I went upstairs to get the story....

When the truth came out, the boy pushed Sophie down after she "caught" him. Ahhhhh -it's becoming clearer now. I've heard from the girls how they enjoy playing chase with the boys. So, we had a discussion about "if you are going to play with the older boys..." It was the same lecture my momma gave me after I got hurt wrestling with my dad and older brother. It was as popular with my girls as it was with me back then .
Izzy, however, missed the point and was more focused on how to get even with the boy if, and probably WHEN, it happens again. She decided the best revenge would be to throw a praying mantis on him.

This brought on another parently lecture on revenge and how it's not the best (however fulfilling it may be) policy. We talked about other, more appropriate options to which Izzy responds, "So would a grasshopper be OK?" followed by a very sadistic laugh. At this point I asked her sisters to please explain it to her (sometimes the 40 year-old and 6 year-old perspectives don't align).....I have a feeling I may be receiving a call from the principal soon :(

I'm very proud that they stand up for each other!

1 comment:

Finbar said...

Oh, thanks for making me laugh this evening! I can just imagine the scenario and the resulting conversation. Of course, Izzy may know that I, too, will encourage a "principled" reaction in these situations!! I miss having the girls in class every day...